A $4,000 Sunglasses by Oakley

Oakley sunglasses’Elite C SixFew weeks ago, a company that’s been at the front line when it comes to eye wear design and quality – Oakley, launched an ultra premium pair called Oakley sunglasses Elite C Six, which is made up of 80 layers of very luxurious carbon fiber, employing technology used in the manufacture of Formula One race motors and involving 90 hours of labor. Oakley sunglasses pushed the carbon fiber into a frame which constructs it more comfy and flexible for the athletes.
The cost? A breezy $4,000 in 250 limited edition pairs.

When pair of sunglasses planned for activities like cycling or other recreational stuffs can fetch as much as a designer gown or a Swiss watch, these days, it is very clear that the definition of luxury is broadening and its world is going through a cultural shift.

Colin Baden, Chief Executive of Oakley said: “Rather than stitch a bouquet of diamonds on them and say, ‘This is a pair of $4,000 sunglasses,’ we decided to put $4,000 worth of work into them,” “ The company prepares to make 250 pairs and the requirement is so high that they are not wasting any instant in the stores, he added.”

This incredible move by Oakley is now a great issue by some disbelievers as we are not still exposed of the worst economic crisis. According to recent studies, it was projected that the sumptuousness product sales internationally are expected to fall by 8% in 2009.

The objective customer, Colin says, "Is the guy who does not wink at spending $300,000 on a car." Though, they don’t expect to make a lot of money out of the line due for its release. We are doing this because it is brand-positive. It’s Oakley being Oakley." The line will be sold at Oakley sunglasses designer boutiques and retailers hopefully next year.

Lance Armstrong, Oakley endorser was already given one pair to be worn on the last day of Tour de France.


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